Sunday, October 2, 2011



            After I have written a rough draft to any of my papers, I always go back and reread it.  By doing this I hope to not only catch any spelling or grammar errors, but I am also looking for good flow and structure.  During my writing process I will write my paper first, then make any markings, or add extra information, or take some out.  After I feel that my paper has everything in the proper place and it sounds like a great paper, I then type it up.  By writing it out first, it allows me to re-structure paragraphs better; I will just write what first comes to mind during my draft stage.  This probably isn’t the best way to write, but it helps me to not leave something important out.
            I have not fully completed my Essay #2 unfortunately.  I am almost completed and I will be having my husband review it once I am done.  He is very critical of my work because he knows how hard I work on my papers and wants to make sure I get the grade I deserve.  After I feel it is something I am ready to turn in, I am sending it to an online tutoring site.  I have not done this yet so I am anxious to see how they review it.

 Click Here to get ideas on how to revise your next essay! 
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1 comment:

  1. That's interesting that you write everything down on paper before you type it out. I haven't tried doing that in a long time because I'm always too anxious and just start typing in a word document. That makes me wonder how my writing would be different if I tried it on paper first. Regarding what you said about it probably not being the best way: everyone has a different process to writing! Whatever works for you could be "your best" way. In my blog post, I wrote about how everyone has different ways of brainstorming and I really do believe this is what makes everyone's writing unique.
