Sunday, October 23, 2011

Letter for Laura

Dear Laura Cline,
            This semester of English 102 has been quite difficult for me.  I have had a lot of personal things going on that are causing distraction with my class work.  This is upsetting to me because I strive to do my best at everything, and for there to be problems with my work because I was just being lazy, really makes me angry at myself.
            I have not had to time to successfully sit down and do my assignments to the best of my ability.  Most of the time I am rushing to get it done Sunday night, or I just do not turn it in at all.  I did not like the novel Frankenstein, and because of that, it took me a long time to read it and do well on the assignments associated with it.  I think if we had a book that I enjoyed more; it would not have been as difficult to complete the drafts on time.  The poem analysis was my least favorite.  I did not like or have a connection with any of the poems, and because of this, I did not care about the assignments.
            Learning how to analyze literature is very interesting, I have not yet been able to do this successfully yet.  I still have the tendency to summarize too often.  I really do not enjoy analyzing and find it harder than I thought.  As I wrote my poem analysis, I knew it would be difficult, but when I got my grade but I really appreciated the comments that you made because I was able to understand what I need to work on.  I have always been good in English classes, so after seeing what I have done, or not done, this far in this class is really hard for me.
            I am really upset with myself of the lack of effort I have put forth, and am hoping to step it up in the next half of the semester.  I wanted to pass this class with and A, but am fully aware that this is not possible.  Hopefully if I can do well on the rest of the assignments and complete the extra credit, I will able to pass it a B.  As for what I hope to accomplish in the next half of this semester is obviously completing all of my work ON TIME!  This will still be a struggle for me, but at this point in the semester, it is critical.
Jessica Garcia

1 comment:

  1. I also had somethings too that were distracting me, my mom was in the hospital and that was very scare to me. But I had a amazing friend that sat with with through the whole thing. When things like that happen you totally know who your true friends are.
