Sunday, October 30, 2011

Project Proposal

Final Project Proposal

For our Final Project, I will be doing Option 1.  I do not think that if I chose the second option I would complete it with a respectable grade.  I did not like Frankenstein and feel that if I try and do a larger project on something similar, it would be a bad decision.  So I will be reading some of Jane Austen’s work.  My mother is and avid reader and feels that I would really like her work and be able to find a lot of information.  I am excited to get to read some pieces of my choice, and not something that is assigned to me.  I am hoping to read at least 3 books of hers, well at least parts of three books.  I am hoping to maybe find an author that I will enjoy and find it easy to analyze her work, since I have had a hard time with Frankenstein. I chose Jane Austen because after doing some quick research on the web, I feel like I will be able to connect with her stories and type of writing very easily. 
I went to this website to get some fast info on Austen.

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