Sunday, November 6, 2011

Annotated Bibliography

Austen, Jane, 1775-1817  Literature Online biography: Salih, Sarah ProQuest Information and Learning Company 2002
This is a biography on Jane Austen. I will use this article to provide me with information about Austen’s life.  It will help me to understand when she was writing the novel, this will also help my argument about not being an anti feminist.  The biography gives a lot of information on her upbringing and her personal accomplishments.

Nineteenth Century Literature Criticism: Dewsberry, Susan. Yavapai College: Library Services Databases Login. 1999. Web. 06 Nov. 2011.      
In this selection, there are many criticisms against Jane Austen that are very direct and harsh to her writing.  In this particular entry, the writer is trying to show why she feels that Austen’s work is very anti feminist. She goes on to say that this novel shows how women are malicious and out for themselves. I will be using this article to provide an argument against the fact that it is not at all about anti feminism, but more about a young woman’s perspective on life.

The Continuity of Jane Austen's Novels: Juliet McMasterStudies in English Literature, 1500-1900 Vol. 10, No. 4, Nineteenth Century (Autumn, 1970), pp. 723-739 Published by: Rice University Stable URL:
This article talks about how Austen’s work has the same theme carried into the next novel from the previous.  The author talks about the similarities of the types of characters found in Austen’s novels.  I will use this source to help me argue that Austen is writing from a young woman’s point of view, and that although she may  at times sound naive, she is actually capturing the real essence of a young woman who lived in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s.

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